I am not talking about occasionally eating small amounts of
these foods ------ it is when they are a large part of your
regular diet, and become a staple in your daily intake;
the havoc they wreak THEN, is major.
Here's a list of the MANY names & disguises of sugar in our food:
sucrose high fructose corn syrup
cane sugar brown sugar
fructose dextrose
corn syrup malted corn syrup
honey malted barley syrup
turbinado sugar
invert sugar powdered sugar
glucose lactose
galactose maltose
raw sugar confectioner's sugar
granulated sugar molasses
Now, some of these are just fine, but the honey in most of our
food is refined, heated, watered down honey. The molasses
is not usually blackstrap molasses, and raw sugar, brown
sugar, and turbinado sugar are just a hop, skip, and a
jump away from white, refined sugar.
White sugar is totally devoid of nutrients. It rushes through your system, devouring your vitamins and minerals like a sponge,
and kills your appetite with empty calories.
White sugar is a killer.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a nutritionist to figure
out how destructive white sugar is to a human body.
Time was, what was added to our food supply was simply
white sugar, destructive enough in itself. NOW, the food
industry is "gifting" us with high-fructose corn syrup, which
is MUCH, MUCH worse! It affects male rats' sexual organs,
and enlarges female rats hearts.
THAT'S JUST GREAT, and just TRY to find a loaf of bread without
it in there --- we only found 2!